Principal’s Message

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                CIS focuses on building skills in all the intelligences, based on the theory of ‘Multiple Intelligences’. Importance is given to learning through presented with authentic issues to explore, students are encouraged to inquire, take risks, share their ideas and stretch to new levels of performance. 
          The hallmark of our school is the blend of teaching-learning process with technology with excellent team work. The educational methods and materials are enhanced with the help of technology tools and multimedia objects. This empowers the teachers and students to achieve effective learning in all its aspects. We try to incorporate some of the best teaching learning practices to maximize the learning experience of our students. Blended learning methodology encourages all-round development of students and provides learning opportunities to students of varying learning abilities, styles and pace. Teachers provide personalized instruction for all students at all levels.
           Student performance will be monitored based on the inputs captured on an ongoing basis. Assessment at the school is based upon clearly-defined purposes, goals and criteria. Student progress is measured against developmental benchmarks, based on accepted standards in each subject area.
            Focused areas of growth and development are at the Foundational, Primary, Middle, and Secondary & Senior Secondary School. CIS mainly concentrates on three categories of pupils ie to motivate the slow learners, to address the average and to challenge the gifted.
            We endeavour to create a learning environment in which all children well feel enabled and encouraged to become successful learners. The school is nothing but a second home to the child as he spends most part of his time in school. Hence we ensure that his character and personality are modulated with utmost care and attention. We promote these through all aspects of school life. Each student is encouraged to accept responsibility for self discipline, to develop self respect and compassion, to contribute to the community and through their, school life –develop a love for learning whilst continually strive for excellence.
           Develop a love for learning bad becomes curious and happy learner with high self esteem. Helping students to develop into confident, sensitive, and reflective adults, is the key priority.This is achieved through “outstanding teaching and careful support”
           We take pride in our dedicated faculty and all our members of staff are commuted to creating a learning environment which maximise the quality of education. We also recognition the vital role that parents play in contribute children’s success and happiness at school. We therefore seek to build strong and supportive partnerships with our parent’s community and look forwards to their close involvement with the school and its programs.
           Excellence is an attitude. We place high value on the pursuit of excellence’ and will continue to inculcate to our children the right outlook to not run after success but to chase excellence, in any and everything that they do. Sports, Art or Academics, the mantra that they need to follow is that they have to better than what they were yesterday.
          “Education is a shared commitment between dedicated teachers, motivated students and enthusiastic parents with high expectations”
          We work closely in the partnership with parents and believe this relationship is crucial to the success of our students. Friendliness and a willingness to listen are at the heart of all that we do through this collaboration
          Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” We believe and continue to produce citizens of the world who believe in being creatively inclined, morally upright, socially responsible and self-reliant individuals who can lead themselves, their communities and their nation to greater heights.
           In this regard, a committed and supportive management, dedicated faculty members, highly caring and co-operative parents blend harmoniously to create child-centric school. I am very sure through cooperative and collaborative effort we can achieve more to benefit our students, who are the leaders of tomorrow.
           Finally I believe “Success comes to those who work hard and stays with those, who don’t rest on the laurels of the past.”